Getting New Tableware

I started the day around 4 or 5 am. It was a productive day because I engaged in several artistic activities. I prepared three drafts of canvases for bento paintings and uploaded 114 of my self-portrait drawings to my website. I went out around 3 pm because I wanted to buy fried shrimp at a fish shop. I also bought a tuna fillet, but it was more expensive than the displayed price. It was about 13 EUR for just one fillet. I stopped by the supermarket ALDI and met Jan in front of it. We said hello. Then, I visited the bar Vlaar (formerly Johnny’s Cafe). Roserly was working as usual. I met an unfamiliar male bartender. I ordered a beer called “Tank 7” from him, but he did not understand. Roserly told him, “He has a weird tongue.” Phew! Foreign languages will always be super hard for me! I went to the general store Xenos and bought a new plate, spoon, fork, and knife. The total was about 23 EUR. It was a rare case. These days, my feelings have changed. I cooked the tuna fillet and vegetables and ate them with leftover simmered chicken and packaged stamppot for dinner. The new tableware made me feel good. I went to bed just before 8 pm and astonishingly slept for over 12 hours. I realized I was extremely exhausted.

The original text before the correction

Getting A New Tableware I started the day around 4 or 5 am. It was a productive day because I did several aritistic activities. I prepared three draft of canvases for bento paintings and I uploaded 114 of my self-portrait drawings on my website. I went out around 3 pm because I wanted to buy fried shrimp at a fish shop. I bought tuna fillet, too. However, the fillet was more expensive than the display of price. It was about 13 EUR even though only one fillet. I stopped by a supermarket ALDI and then I met Jan at the front of there. We said hello. I visited the bar Vlaar (formerly Johnny's Cafe). Roserly worked as usual. I met an unknown male bartender. I ordered him a beer "Tank 7" but he did not understand. Roserly talked to him "He has weired tongue." Phew! Foreign language is super hard for me forever and ever! I visited a general store Xenos. I bought new plate, spoon, fork, and knife. It was about 23 EUR in total. It was rare case. These days, my feeling has changed. I cooked tuna fillet and vegetables. I ate them with leftover simmered chicken and packaged stamppot for dinner. New tableware made me feeling good. I went to bed just before 8 pm. I was able to sleep over 12 hours, astonishingly. I thought I was extremly exhausted.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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