Revamped My Room

I updated my room a bit. I set up a spring-loaded rack in the dead space of my room. I also bought a glass hand soap dispenser and a toothbrush stand. I wanted to improve my poor lifestyle. I do not care about a messy room, but my mindset has changed for some reason. I wrote and sent a draft of the concept for a group showcase to Henri, who is a Dutch artist. I visited Vlaar (formerly Johnny’s Cafe). While I was drinking, Paul and three other people talked to me. “How is your girlfriend doing?” I said, “She went back to Japan.” One of the men said, “Not good!” What a lot of friendly people! However, I felt a bit annoyed because I wanted to think deeply about something. I cooked simmered chicken with vegetables for dinner. I also had a discounted stamppot. I went to bed around 10 pm.

The original text before the correction

Revamped My Room I updated my room a bit. I set up a spring-loaded rack for dead space in my room. I also bought a glass hand soap dispenser and a tooth brush stand. I wanted to improve my poor life. I do not care messy room but my mind has been changed for some reason. I wrote and sent a draft of the concept for a group showcase to Henri who is a Dutch artist. I visited a Vlaar (formerly Johnny's Cafe). When I was drinking, Paul and other three people talked to me. "How is your girlfriend going?" I said "She went back to Japan". One of a man said "Not Good!". What a lot of friendly peopel but I felt annoyed a bit because I wanted to think something deeply. I cooked simmered chicken with vegetables for dinner. I also had a discounted stamppot. I went to bed around 10 pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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