Feel Empty

It was the first day of a long weekend in Japan. I didn’t do anything. I don’t want the last day of the weekend to come. I am scared. I don’t want to work anymore. Around 4pm, I went to the bar My Way. A friend Ruud treated everyone at the bar to drinks. I had three glasses of beer and a shot of monkey ball. On the way home, I met the landlord Jan, who was riding his bicycle. I ate discounted pork with veggies and leftover tomato spaghetti for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm. Before I fell sleep, I could not help crying. I don’t know what I should do in my life. I have no motivation to live.

The original text before the correction

Feel Empty It was the first day of the consecutive holidays in Japan. I didn't do anything. I am cared will come the the end of holidays. I don't want to work anymore. In the evening, I went to the bar My Way. A friend Ruud treated drinks for all of the customers. I had three glasses of beer and a shot of monkey ball. On the way home, I met the landlord Jan who rode his bicycle. I had discounted pork with veggies and leftover tomato spaghetti for dinner. I fell asleep around 9pm. Before I fell sleep, I could not help crying. I don't know what I should do in my life. I have no motivation to live.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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