Why Exhausted
I worked hard yesterday. I was under a lot of pressure to do good work. I had yakiton, oden, sushi, and ankake yakisoba, etc. I spent under 3000 yen on them. I thought about how cheap every dish in Japan is. That’s why people’s salaries are lower than in other developed countries. I read an ebook “How to make a living as a freelance” on my Kindle. I got it for about 1300 yen, but it was worth every penny. I fell asleep at 11 p.m.
The original text before the correction
- Why Exhausted I was working hard yesterday. It was not precise my feeling. I felt pressure to do good work. I had yakiton, oden, sushi, and Ankake yakisoba etc. I spent under 3000 yen on them. I thought how cheap every dish in Japan. That's why people's salary have been compressed lower than other developed countries' salary. I read a manga book "Recommend to live as a freelance" by Kindle. I got it about 1300 yen but it had really worthy for me. I fell asleep 11 p.m. Staying hotel as quarantine will end in one day.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.