Waiting for Sunset Every Day

I was supposed to have a meeting but the project fell through. It was contracted with a national university. The reason for the cancellation was their financial situation. I was really astonished. Is Japan okay? I worked until evening. I went to the bar My Way. I had 3 glasses of beer. Ruud bought me a drink and I also bought him a beer. I had 2 bitterballen and a bartender Maria gave us a piece of cheese and liver paste ham complimentarily. I had packed Asian food and simmered chicken legs. I felt a stomachache so I had to rush to the restroom twice. It was clearly a diarrhea. Was the cheese or liver ham something bad? I fell asleep before 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Waiting for Sunset Every Day I supposed to have a meeting but the project was canceled. It was contracted with a national university. The cancel reason was financial situation. I really astonished. Is Japan okay? I worked until evening. I went to the bar My Way. I had 3 glasses of beer. Ruud gave me a drink and I also gave a beer. I had 2 bitterballen and a bartender Maria gave us a piece of cheese and lever paste ham for free. I had packed Asian food and simmered chicken legs. I felt stomach ache so I had to the rest room twice. It was clearly diarrhea. Was Cheese or liver ham something bad? I fell asleep before 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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