Take a Pay Cut

One of the employees made a blunder so I took a pay cut. His performance is terrible these days. I have been considering whether I should dismiss him or not. It was the last day of the month. I paid a lot but my income was tiny. I can’t wait for the end of the next month’s big income! I went to the bar My Way. I had three glasses of beer. I stopped by a Thai food shop then got only packed white rice. It was only 1.9EUR. I had simmered beef with it for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm. I woke up around 3am, then I felt a stomachache then rushed to the restroom just like the previous night. What was the problem?

The original text before the correction

Take a Pay Cut One of the employee had mistaken so I took a pay cut. His performance is terrible these days. I have been considering that I should fire him or not. It was the last day of the month. I paid a lot but income were tiny. I can't wait the end of the next month's big income! I went to the bar My Way. I had three glasses of beer. I stopped by Thai food shop then got only packed white rice. I had simmered beef with it for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm. I woke up around 3am, then I felt stomach ache then rush the rest room as the same as the previous night. What was the problem?
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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