The secret of success in Japan
I wear glasses because I have bad eyesight.
In Japan, to a person who wears glasses many say: ‘you studied hard’ or ‘you read many books’.
It is kind of a symbol of intelligence. Isn’t that funny?
Japanese think that looks important.
The example of similar symbols is given below.
Ladies who wear mini skirts are considered sluts.
A person who dyes his/her hair blonde is also considered brainless.
Therefore, if you hope to succeed in Japan, you have to follow these symbol images before learning Japanese language.
You have to dye your hair black, cut it to a suitable length, shave the beard, erase any tattoos, strip any accessories, wear glasses, put on a suit and tie and clip your nails. Oops! Don’t forget to convert yourself to be an atheist.
Are you ready? Then, welcome to over work heaven!
Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.