The Last Day of Holidays

I felt a stomachache due to the previous night’s overeating. I filled in a document for the group exhibition and then I checked messages for the job. I really hate my job. In the evening, I went to the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and Jagermeister. I was thinking about my future. I had leftover tomato soup with brown rice for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm. Every night, I wish I could never wake up. I am tired to live. Screw it that I am living as a human for now. However, a new day is coming every day. I am bored from the bottom of my heart.

The original text before the correction

The Last Day of Holidays I felt stomach ache due to eating too much in the previous night. I filled in a document for the group exhibition and then I checked messages for the job. I really hate job. In the evening, I went to the bar My Way. I had two glasses of beer and Jagermeister. I had been thinking about my future. I had leftover tomato soup with brown rice for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm. Every night, I wish if I could never wake up. I am tired to live. Screw it that I am living as a human for now. However, the new day is coming every day. I am boring from the bottom of my heart.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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