Terrible Tooth Pain

I went to Amsterdam around 4:30 PM. I was supposed to meet my friends at 5:30 PM, so I had some spare time. I stopped by an outdoor goods shop even though I did not really need anything. I found a nice stretch belt, so I bought it. It was about 35 EUR. I met four friends at a cozy bar. A woman from Ako was there as a tourist. We said goodbye just after 11 PM. I went to bed around 1 AM, but I felt a toothache. I could not stand the pain, and I could not sleep even for a minute until morning. I made an appointment at a dental clinic, but I have to wait another day. This is the most cruel situation.

The original text before the correction

Horrible Tooth Pain I went to Amsterdam around 4:30. I supposed to meet friends at 5:30 pm so I had spare of time. I stopped by an outdoor goods shop without any needs. I found a nice streched belt so I got it. It was about 35 EUR. I met four frineds at the cozy bar. A woman who came from Ako was there as a tourist. We said good bye just after 11 pm. I went to bed around 1 am but I felt tooth ache. I could not stand the pain then I was not sleep even a minute until morning. I made an appointment for a dental clinic but I have to wait another day. This is the most cruel situation.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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