Hell’s Tooth Pain

My tooth pain has not been relieved even though I have taken many painkillers. I thought the problematic tooth was the innermost one, but when I checked by tapping, it turned out to be the one next to it. I assumed that the tooth was cracked because I had a similar experience over ten years ago. The pain is excruciating. I cannot wait to visit the dental clinic. I had a salad with bacon and bread for dinner. I got three kinds of beer because I wanted to try to numb the pain by drinking. I fell asleep before 10 pm. I lost consciousness due to the overdose.

The original text before the correction

Hell's Tooth Pain My teeth pain is not relived even though I took many painkiller. I though the problem tooth is the innermost part but I checked the teeth with tapping, it was next to it. I assumed that the tooth was cracked because I have similar experience over ten years ago. It was cruel pain. I can not wait to visit the dental clinic. I had salad, with bacon and bread for dinner. I got three kind of beer because I wanted to tried to cheat by drunk. I fell asleep before 10 pm. I lost consciousness due to the over dose.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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