Stocked paintings room, there are lot of packed canvas

Sold a Painting

I woke up before 7am. I had leftover sweet and sour pork etc., with rice for breakfast. I handled an outsource partner for client work. I sorted paintings because I often get trouble finding a picture that is sold. I searched one of the Mystery Meat series painting but it was missing. Where has it gone? A Bento series painting was sold out at over 0.1 million yen. Actually, I’ve raised the price of the work so it made me happy. There is a possibility to get living cost from my art. I had boiled pork and vegetables for dinner. I filled out a vaccine certificate-related documents to enter the Netherlands. I got into bed around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

Sold a Painting I woke up just before 7am. I had leftover subuta etc. with rice for breakfast. I handled an outsource partner for client work. I sorted paintings because I often get trouble to find a picture that is sold. I searched one of the Mystery Meat series painting but it was missing. Where is it? A Bento series painting was sold out over 100,000JPY. Actually, I've increased the price of the work so it made me happy. There is a possibility to get living cost from my art. I had boiled pork and vegetables for dinner. I filled out a vaccine certificate related documents to enter the Netherlands. I got into bed around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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