Hiroshima downtown city view in the evening

Reopen Izakaya

Finally, the state of emergency has been lifted. It was crazy long for 2 months. I woke up at 7 am and I did some work for a client. It seemed as easy as pie but I spent 2 hours. At 10 am, I had a soft boiled egg with rice and soup. At 1:30 pm, I went to MUFJ bank to get a balance statement in English. I requested to display JPY into EUR. I visited an optician shop to change lenses but a shop clerk told me that my lenses don’t need to be remade. I worked at a cafe for an hour. I visited a bar Omasa at 6 pm. I came back home just before 8pm. I found a tweet a man who lives in the Netherlands is looking for a roommate so I contacted him. I fell asleep at midnight.

The original text before the correction

Reopen Izakaya Finally, the state of emergency has been ended. It was crazy long for 2 month. I woke up at 7am and I did a client work. It seemed a piece of cake but I spent 2 hours. At 10am, I had a soft boiled egg with rice and soup. At 1:30pm, I went to MUFJ to get a balance statement in English. I requested to display JPY into EUR. I visited an eyeglass shop to change lenses but a shop clerk advised me my lenses no need remake. I worked at cafe for an hour. I visited a bar Omasa at 6pm. I found a tweet a man who lives in NL look for a roommate so I contacted him. I fell asleep midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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