Proper Sunday
I woke up before 9am. I did the laundry and watered the plants. I finally got the insurance card in the Netherlands. I searched and registered a home doctor who is located near from my house. I resized over 50 photos for my new art series. Before 2pm, I went to a supermarket. On the way there, I stopped by a park. I did exercise a bit. It was the first time visiting the park after I started to live in this village. Namely, I had never been there for over 8 months. I started brunch or dinner at 2:30pm. I had makizushi, sausages, packed instant Phad Thai. I went to bed around 7pm and woke up after 10pm. I read a book about sleeping. I fell asleep after 1am again.
The original text before the correction
- Proper Sunday I woke up before 9am. I did the laundry and watered the plants. I finally got the insurance card in the Netherlands. I searched and register for a home doctor who is located near from my house. I resized over 50 photos for my new art series. Before 2pm, I went to a supermarket. On the way there, I stopped a park. I did exercise a bit. It was the first time to visit the park after I lived this village. Namely, I never been there for over 8 months. I started branch or dinner at 2:30pm. I had makizushi, sausage, packed instant Phad Thai. I went to bed around 7pm and woke up after 10pm. I read a book about sleeping. I fell asleep after 1am again.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.