Blue Monday
I finished my daily routines before I opened my laptop. My daily routines are drawing a self portrait, writing this diary, recording a voice blog, and light muscle training. I painted for a while. I stopped work at 5pm then went to a bar. On the way there, I stopped to throw plastic water bottles to collection boxes. I had beer and Jagermeister as usual. After that, I visited a supermarket. I met a man who sat on the second floor’s balcony fence. “Can I take a photo?” I asked him. “Okay but 1EUR”. We were laughing. I cooked a big chicken nugget, salad, spaghetti and sandwiches. I fell asleep before midnight.
The original text before the correction
- Blue Monday I finished my daily routines before I opened my laptop. My daily routines are drawing self portrait, writing this diary, recording a voice blog, and light muscle training. I I painted for a while. I stopped work at 5pm then I went to a bar. On the way there, I stopped to throw plastic water bottles to collection boxes. I had beer and Jagermeister as usual. After that, I visited a supermarket. I met a man who sat on second floor's veranda fence. "Can I take a photo?" I asked him. "Okay but 1EUR". We were laughing. I cooked a big chicken nugget, lettuce, spaghetti and sandwiches. I fell asleep before midnight.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.