People’s Opinions

I got a message from an artist who got the same prize as I got. She doesn’t go to NY because the price is absurd. She told me her realistic opinion. It made me have wavering feelings but I have to go my way and make my life by myself. I finished 2 paintings and shot them for uploading to my artist website. I got good reputation on social media. I visited the bar Stiefel. I had 3 glasses of beer and a hot sandwich(Tosti in Dutch). The bill was 18.25 EUR. I had packed fried rice and fried eggs with veggies for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm, then watched the animation “Me and Roboco”. It was really funny.

The original text before the correction

People's Opinions I got a message from an artist who got the same prize as I got. She doesn't go to NY because the price is absurd. She told me her realistic opinion. It made me to have wavering feelings but I have to go my way and make my life by myself. I finished 2 paintings and shoot them for uploading to my artist website. I got good reputation on SNS. I visited the bar Stiefel. I had 3 glasses of beer and hot sandwich(Tosti in Dutch). The bill was 18.25 EUR. I had packed fried rice and fried eggs with veggies for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm then watched the animation Me and Roboco.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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