Chat with An Artist Friend

I woke up just 7am. I chatted with an artist who has a lot of experience abroad. Her opinions were really convincing and I believed that she would show me the right path. I am going to NY for my art project and also participating a rip-off show case. It would be the best way for me. I had something like curry sauce with free white rice (I was going to buy at a Thai food shop but a shop clerk said I can bring it for free. I asked why but I couldn’t understand why.) for dinner. I wondered that I paid it about 1 EUR before. What happened? I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Chatting with An Artist Friend I woke up just 7pm. I chatted with an artist who has a lot of experience in abroad. Her opinions were really convincing and I believed that she brought me a right way. I am going to NY just do my art project but participating an rip-off show case. It would be the best way for me. I had kind of curry sauce with free! white rice (I was going to buy at a Thai food shop but a shop clerk said you can bring it for free. I asked why but I couldn't understand why.) for dinner. I wondered that I paid it about 1 EUR before. What's happened? I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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