On boarding way to swiss airplane at Schipole airport

On Boarding

I woke up before 2am yesterday. I did my daily routine and jobs. I cleaned up my rooms and finished packing my luggage. Jan called me to say good bye. Before 3pm, I left a memo for landlords and went out home. It was rainy. I arrived at Schipole Airport smoothly within less than an hour. I skipped both breakfast and lunch because I expected the dinner on the airship. The first flight departure time was scheduled at 7:50pm but it was delayed for about an hour. Furthermore, the flight didn’t have any meals but only a piece of chocolate. I was hungry because I didn’t eat for almost 24 hours. I transferred at Zurich, Switzerland. An airport servant checked my passport but she said, “Actually, you should have a resident permit for the Netherlands but Switzerland has an agreement with Japan.” Really? I rushed to transfer at gate 4. I had to take a train inside the airport. I departed there at 10:50pm. There were few people in the airship so I could use four seats by myself. Finally, I got dinner! It was Japanese style beef. It was delicious because my stomach was empty. I had beer and red wine, too. I was completely satisfied. I fell asleep at once. Now, I am writing this in the sky.

The original text before the correction

On Boarding I woke up before 2am yesterday. I did daily routince and jobs. I cleaned up my rooms and finished packing for luggages. Jan called me to say good bye. Before 3pm, I left a memo for landlords and went out home. It was rainy. I visited Schipole airport smoothly less than an hour. I skipped both breakfast and lunch because I expected for the dinner on the airship. The first flight departur time was scheduled 7:50pm but it was later about an hour. Further more, the flight has not any meals but only a piece of chocolate. I was hungry because I didn't eat almost 24hours. I transferred at Zurih Switzerland. An airport servant checked my passport but she said "Actually, you should have a residents permit for the Netherlands but Switzerland has agreement with Japan." Really? I rushed transfering at gate 4. I had to take a airpot's inside train. I departed there at 10:50pm. There were few people in airship so I could use four seats by myself. Finally, I got a dinner! It was Japanese style beef. It was delicious because My stomach was empty. I had beer and red wine, too. I completely satisfied. I fell aslepp at once. Now, I am writing this in the sky.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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