Negotiation With The Landlord

I gave a letter in Dutch which expressed my new living style compared between Holland and Japan. It was quite a complicated request but the landlord pleasantly accepted it. I was relieved to hear that. “It’s not complicated but a good deal”. We shook hands. I went to the bar Stiefel. I had two glasses of beer as usual. I had plenty of salad topped with sauteed sausages and shrimp for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm but I woke up before 11pm. I could not sleep because I had a meeting with an accountant the next early morning. I bought a ticket to go back to Japan from Amsterdam.

The original text before the correction

Negotiation With The Landlord I passed a letter in Dutch which expressed my new living style between Holland and Japan. It was quite complicated request but the landlord pleasantly accepted it. I relieved to hear that. "It's not complicated but good deal". We shaked hands. I went to the bar Stiefel. I had two glasses of beer as usual. I had plenty of salad topped on sauteed sausage and shrimp for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm but I woke up before 11pm. I could not sleep that I have a meeting with an accountant next early morning. I got a ticket to go back to Japan from Amsterdam.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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