Washbasin in my room, watching movie on the bed

Let Go

I didn’t sleep well day before yesterday and yesterday due to watching Squid Game via Netflix. I had instant noodles topped with leek and egg. I have been waiting a response from an outsource partner. He didn’t send me any replies for a whole day. I was really irritated with him then he made an excuse so I decided to cancel our contract. I concentrated on coding because he left me with annoying tasks. I stopped work after 5pm. I was drained but I could get closer to the goal. I cooked carbonara spaghetti and fried egg for dinner. I continued to watch the drama. After that, I felt a stomach ache so I had to go to the restroom. I fell asleep after midnight.

The original text before the correction

Let Go I didn't sleep well day before yesterday and yesterday due to watching Squid Game via Netflix. I had instant noodles topped on leek and egg. I have been waiting response from an outsource partner. He didn't any replies for a whole day. I really irritated to him then he made excuse so I decided to cancel our contract. I concentrated coding because he left annoying tasks. I stopped after 5pm. I drained but I could get closer to the goal. I cooked carbonara spaghetti and fried egg for dinner. I continued to watching the drama. After that, I felt stomach ache so I had to go to the restroom. I fell asleep after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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