Bath room in the Netherlands, there are elder Dutch man and woman 

Hiring a Foreigner

I had a business meeting at 10am and I had an interview with an Ukrainian developer at 1pm. I decided to hire him because I have been desiring to work with foreigners. In the evening, I went to a store. I wanted to eat Japanese food but I preferred to save money so I got just vegetables, etc. Those were about 30EUR. I had leftover mapo tofu, stirred veggies, and filled & stuffed bread for dinner. While eating them, Jan called me. He installed a new mirror in our bathroom. He gave me a shelf space for me. I finished watching all stories of Squid Game via Netflix. It was quite fun. I fell asleep around midnight.

The original text before the correction

Hiring a Foreigner I had a business meeting at 10am and I had an interview with Ukrainian developer at 1pm. I decided to hire him because I have been desire to work with foreigners. In the evening, I went to a store. I wanted to eat Japanese food but I prefer do saving money so I got just vegetables etc. Those were about 30EUR. I had leftover mapo tofu, stirred veggies, and filled & stuffed bread for dinner. While eating them, Jan called me. He installed new mirror at our bath room. He gave me a shelf space for me. I finished watching all stories of Squid Game via Netflix. It was quite fun. I fell asleep around midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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