Greenjy cactus and plants in California

Lazy Sleeping Day

I almost slept yesterday because I was dull. I had Chinese dishes for lunch then soba and a small tendon set for dinner. I spent $30 on them. I have to blame it. You know, “He who does not work, neither shall he eat.” right? I read 7 manga books that are titled “Monkey Peaks”. This was a thrilling story and quite interesting but I didn’t think it was useful. I maintained my website until 1 a.m. then I was in dreamland at around 2:30 a.m. This reminded of me when I was a college student.

The original text before the correction

Lazy Sleeping Day I was almost slept yesterday because I was dull. I had Chinese dishes for lunch then soba and small tendon set for dinner. I spent $30 on them. I have to blame it. You know, "He who does not work, neither shall he eat." right? I read 7 manga books that title are "Monky Peaks". This was thrilled stroy and quite intersting but I didn't think it was useful. I maintained my website until 1 a.m. then I was into dream around 2:30 a.m. This was remind of me when I was a college student.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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