Heavy Rainy Day

It had been raining severely since midnight. The rain continued during day time. I visited a dental clinic at 4pm. I received anesthesia to have my metal tooth fillings changed. After removing them, the dentist told me I had a small cavity. Afterwards, I stopped by a store to pick up some kimchi because my mom and her sister planned to have BBQ for dinner. I read a book at a tram station while waiting for the effects of the anesthesia to wear off. The BBQ was tasty, but I felt tired due to three consecutive nights of long conversations and drinking. I fell asleep after midnight.

The original text before the correction

Hard Rainy Day It had been rain severely from midnight. During day time also conitinued rain. I visited a dental clinic at 4pm. I got anesthesia to change metal tooth fillings. After removing it, the doctor said there is a small cavity. I stopped by a store then got some kimchi because my mom and her sister talked to have a bbq for dinner. I read a book at a tram station for a while waiting for becoming to the end of effects of anesthesia. The bbq was tasty but I felt tired due to have a long talking and drinking for three night consecutive. I fell asleep after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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