Haircut Time

I checked out of the homestay-type hotel just before noon and took a Grab to another hotel. It was quite far, so the fare was over 200,000 VND (1,255 JPY). I went out to get a haircut and, although I did not know the service fee beforehand, it was only 90,000 VND (564 JPY). How cheap! It was the cheapest haircut I have ever had. After returning to the hotel, I started packing. In the evening, I visited a rooftop bar and got a beer. I then moved to a local restaurant where I had fried rice and deep-fried tofu. It would be my last time visiting there. I stopped by a convenience store to get some gifts for my friends at my regular bars in the Netherlands. I fell asleep around 9 PM.

The original text before the correction

Haircut Time I checked out of the homestay-type hotel just before noon. I went back to another hotel by Grab. It was quite far so I spent over 200,000 VND (1255 JPY)for it. I went out to get haircut. I did not know the service fee but it was only 90000 VND (564 JPY). What a cheap! It was the cheapest haircut in my life ever. I returned the hotel then started packing. In the evening, I visited a rooftop bar then got beer. I moved to a local restaurant and I had fried rice and deep-fried tofu. It would be the last time visiting there. I stopped by a convenience store to get some gift for regular bars' people in The Netherlands. I fell asleep around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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