Getting a Message of Apology

I worked and had a business meeting. Before 3 pm, I went out. There was an open-air market being held because it is Friday. I got garlic and grilled mackerel. I visited the bar Stiefel. I had 2 glasses of beer and toast. It was the first time eating it. I am a big fan of it. When I came back home, I found a message from someone who is an editor. He had not responded to my message for almost half a year. He apologized but I can’t believe him anymore. I can only say he is insane and not a reliable person. I have to question his responsibility. I had tomato spaghetti etc., for dinner. I fell asleep before 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Getting a Message of Apology I worked and had a business meeting. Before 3 pm, I went out. There was held open-air market because of its Friday. I got garlic and grilled mackerel. I visited the bar Stiefel. I had 2 glasses of beer and toast. It was the first time eating it. I love it. When I came back home, I found a message who is an editor. He had not been making any responses for my message for almost half a year. He apologized but I can't believe him anymore. I can only say he is insane and not relying person. I have to accuse his responsibility. I had tomato spaghetti etc., for dinner. I fell asleep before 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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