An Irritated Man

I cooked bento as my art works. I chose rice and hamburger steak for the main dish. Before 5pm, I visited the bar Stiefel. I met 2 beautiful women. They said they were girlfriends and have lived together for over 8 years. A man who I met at Barnard’s funeral came in. He said “This is the birthday of Nelke(Barnard’s widow). She is in My Way. You must go there!” I said, “Okay”. He pushed me saying, “Why don’t you go there? You have to run!”, “I’m tired so relaxing myself. You should not push me”, I replied. The women ran away leaving their beer. He forced me repeatedly. “You never talk to me!” I shouted angrily. After coming back home, I had bento for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

An Irritated Man I cooked bento as my art works. I chose rice and humburg steak for main dish. Before 5pm, I visited the bar Stiefel. I met 2 beautiful women. They said we are girlfriend then live together over 8 years. A man who I met at Barnard's funeral came in. He said "This is a birth day of Nelke(Barnard's widow). She is in My Way. You must go there!" I said "Okay". He pushed me "Why don't you go there? You have to run!", "I'm tired so relaxing myself. You should not push me". The women run away even though left their beer. He forced me repeatedly. "You never talk to me!" I shout angrily. After coming back home, I had bento for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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