Eating Pizza

I almost finished clearing up my room. I didn’t like my room, but now this is kind of an adult’s hideaway for me. I passed the three months rent to the landlord. I went to the bar My Way. One of my friends gave me two of the kind of special beer Sancti Adalberti. I really appreciate that he waited for me. The bartender Jessica ordered a pizza. She gave us pizza for free. I got three pieces of it. I thought this is the best place. I will never stop going there. After I got home, I had udon noodles for dinner. I mixed some leftover tacos sauce, so the taste was disgusting. I fell asleep before 11pm.

The original text before the correction

Eating Pizza I almost finished to clear up my room. I didn't like my room but now, this is kind of an adult's hideaway for me. I passed the three months rent to the landlord. I went to the bar My Way. One of my friends gave me two kind of special beer Sancti Adalberti. I really appreciate he has been waiting for me. The bartender Jessica ordered a pizza. She gave us pizza for free. I got three pieces of it. I thought this is the best place. I want to come until the end of my life. After I got home, I had udon noodles for dinner. I mixed some leftover tacos sauce so the taste was disgusting. I fell asleep before 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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