Dive into a Hotel
I was not feeling unwell, so I visited the gallery where I will have my solo showcase next year in Amsterdam after 3 pm. An artist was conducting a workshop at the gallery. I checked the condition of the walls and the types of equipment they had. I stayed there for about 15 minutes, then moved on to a bar. I had French fries and tried three types of beer. I did not want to go back home, so I searched for a hotel on Agoda. I found a cheap one for 59 euros, which even included breakfast. I stopped by a store and got a lightning cable, mouthwash, floss, and some food. I spent too much money on them. I bought a packed salad with added alfalfa, a discounted rolled pita-like item, grilled chicken, and instant yakisoba for dinner at the hotel room. I literally ate too much. I fell asleep around 11 pm (but I do not remember what time I actually drifted off to sleep).
The original text before the correction
- Dive in a Hotel I was not a bad condition so I visited the gallery which I will have my solo-showcase next year in Amsterdam past 3 pm. An artist had a workshop at the gallery. I checked the conditions of walls and what kind of equipments do they have. I left there about 15 minutes then moved to a bar. I had French-fries and three types of beer. I did not want to go back home so I searched for a hotel on Agoda . I found a cheap one, 59 eur, even though the plan was included a breakfast. I stopped by a store then got lightning cable, mouse wash, fross, and food. I spent too much money for them. I had packed salad added alfalfa, discounted kind of rolled pita, grilled chicken, and instant yakisoba etc. for dinner at the hotel room. I ate too much literally. I fell asleep around 11 pm (but I do not remember what time I went to a dream).

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.