A Pouring Evening

I had a slight headache. I have been getting headaches more frequently than when I was younger. I was just handling cold wallets. Most of the tasks were nearly done. I went out around 5 pm and threw away wine bottles and plastic water bottles at the garbage collection area located in the Deka Markt parking lot. Suddenly, the rain started pouring heavily. I ran to the bar My Way. My pants got soaked. I had three glasses of beer and a shot of Jagermeister. The bar owner, Jannet, gave me a cracker topped with potato salad. For dinner, I had leftover tomato hot pot. It was the third day that I had been eating it. It was not delicious, just boring. I fell asleep around 10 pm.

The original text before the correction

A Pouring Evening I had a headache slightly. Having headache is more increased than when I was a young man. I did just handling cold wallets. It was almost done everything. I went out around 5 pm then threw away wine bottles and water palatic botttls at a garbage correction area which located in a car park of Deka Markt. Suddenly, the rain was being heavy. I run to the bar My Way. I got soaked on my pants. I had three glasses of beer and a shot of Jagermeister. The bar owner Jannet gave me a cracker topped with potato salad. I had left over tomato hot pot for dinner. It was the third day that I started to have it. It was not delicious just boring. I fell asleep around 10 pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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