Continued Staying at a Hotel

I checked out from the hotel at 11am in Bergen. I worked in the cafe located inside the hotel then I moved to Egmond aan Zee by minibus. The bus’s ticket machine didn’t work so the driver said “You can take a seat”. I was able to take it for free. I checked into the hotel. It was the cheapest hotel in the Netherlands in my experience but it was the best fancy hotel for me. The cost was only 72EUR. I visited the pub inside the hotel. It was a good atmosphere. The hotel room had a bathtub! I took a bath three times. I had sausage bread, veggy soup, and instant yakisoba noodles for dinner.I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Continued Staying at a Hotel I checked out at the hotel at 11am in Bergen. I worked at the cafe which located inside the hotel. I moved to Egmond aan Zee by micro bus. The bus's casher didn't work so the driver said "You can seat". I was able to take it for free. I checked in the hotel. It was the cheapest hotel in the Netherlands in my experience but it was the best fancy hotel for me. The cost was only 72EUR. I visited the pub inside the hotel. It was good atmosphere. The hotel room has bathtub! I took it three times. I had sausage bread, veggy soup, and instant yakisoba noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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