Bringing In Artwork
I headed toward Schoorl just before 1 pm. It was quite complicated to get there. I had to transfer between a train and a bus, and then walk for 20 minutes. I arrived at “KUNST in Schoorl” at 2 pm. I met Jeroen smoothly. I unpacked my three bento paintings, and then he hung them on the wall right away. He had prepared price stickers; it was 700 EUR for each painting. The place was quite large. There were artworks from 27 artists on display. I left within 20 minutes, but I had to wait for over an hour for the return bus. Near Alkmaar station, I visited a bar and had three bottles of beer. I got home just after 6 pm and had a super big portion of tomato spaghetti for dinner. I hoped to have a big bowel movement the next day since I had been constipated. I fell asleep around 10 pm.
The original text before the correction
- Bringing In Artwork I headed toward Schoorl around before 1 pm. It was quite complicated to reached there. I had to transfer train, bus, and had to walk 20 minutes. I arrived "KUNST in Schoorl" at 2 pm. I met Joroen smoothly. I unpacked my three bento paintings and then he hang those painting on the wall at once. He had prepared price sticker. It was 700 EUR for each paintings. The place was quite large. There were display 27 artists' artworks. I left there within 20 minutes but I had to wait over an hour for returning bus. At near from the Alkmaar station, I visited the bar and had three bottles of beers. I got home just after 6 pm, I had super big portion of tomato spaghetti for dinner. I to get a lot of poop out next day. I fell asleep around 10 pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.