Recycle machine for bottles in the Netherlands DEKA markt

A Productive Day

I did every task like painting art works, writing a text for book publishing and labor work. I gave a web design lesson for a student. He had a quite hard client work. I had to struggle to advise on it. I went to a store with some beer and wine bottles then I put them in a recycle machine. It accepted beer bottles but not wine ones. I couldn’t distinguish what the difference between these materials is. I got a discounted sardine. Dutch people eat it raw but I couldn’t trust freshness so I grilled it. I also cooked spinach with eggs. I ate packed instant noodles 4 days in a row. I fell asleep after midnight.

The original text before the correction

A Productive Day I did every tasks like painting art works, writing a text for book publishing and labor works. I gave a web design lesson for a student. He had a quite hard client work. I had to struggle to advice it. I went to a store with some beer and wine bottles then I put them in a recycle machine. It accepted beer bottles but wine one did not. I couldn't distinguish what is the different these materials. I got a discounted sardine. Dutch people eat it in raw but I couldn't trust freshness so I grilled it. I also cooked spinach with eggs. I ate a packed instant noodles 4 days in a row. I fell asleep after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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