Pasta, spinach, and pork steak dinner, paper towel roll on the wooden table

A Normal Day

I did mild weight training and I had a cup of milk. In the afternoon, I did the laundry for a duvet cover and pants. I attended a study class for Shopify but it was not interesting. Checking the video archive is enough for me. I conducted coding for a website. I have been waiting for opening of the business bank account but it is still pending. It made me irritated. Please open ASAP! I already feel bored to live in the Netherlands. In the end, wherever I live, my life is the same. I cooked avocado pasta, a pork cutlet and spinach with mushroom for dinner. I had only one meal this day. I went to bed around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

A Normal Day I did light weight training and I had a cup of milk. In the afternoon, I did the laundry for a duvet cover and pants. I attended a study class for Shopify but it was not interesting. Checking the video archive is enough for me. I conducted coding for the web site. I have been waiting for opening the business bank account but it still pending. It made me irritated. Please open ASAP! I already have bored to live in the Netherlands. In the end, living where ever is the same for me. I cooked avocado pasta, pork cutlet and spinach with mushroom for dinner. I had only one meal this day. I went to bed around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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