View from the window side. Dishes on the table

Evening Chat

I woke up around 8am, then I immediately handled outsource partners. There were lot of tasks so it was hard to grasp all of the status. In the afternoon, I mainly conducted art-related tasks. Before 5pm, I stopped work and started having dinner. I just saw the sky while eating. The European clouds are really expressive. In the evening, I went downstairs with a blind cleaner. I got it via Aamzon but it was a set of 2. Only one is enough for me so I wanted to give one to Jan. Came up in the conversation, we talked and drunk for two hours. It was a fantastic time. I went to bed around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Evening Chat I woke up around 8am then I immediately handled outsource partners. There were lot of tasks so it was hard to grab all of the status. In the afternoon, I mainly conducted art related tasks. Before 5pm, I stopped work and started having dinner. I just saw the sky while eating. The European clouds are really expressive. In the evening, I went downstairs with a blinds cleaner. I got it via Aamzon but it was set of 2. Only one is enough for me so I wanted to give one to Jan. Came up in the conversation, we talked and drunk for two hours. It was fantastic time. I went to bed around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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