Writing A Blog
When I woke up, I got a lot of messages recently so I never want to wake up. I didn’t go out even a step literally. I cooked curry. I put sliced potato, then it melted soon and made the curry thick. It was the best curry since I started to live here. Just after 4pm, I started writing a blog. I felt hungry because I didn’t eat for an entire day but I concentrated on it until after 7pm. The next room’s Vietnamese is noisy as usual. I can’t understand why he has been talking on the phone even when he is cooking. I assume that he can’t stand being alone. What a poor person. I took a shower and fell asleep at 10pm.
The original text before the correction
- Writing A Blog When I woke up, I got a lot of messages recently so I never want to wake up. I didn't go out even a step literally. I cooked curry. I put on sliced potato that was melting soon then it made curry thick. It was the best curry since I lived here. Around 4pm, I started writing a blog. I felt hungry because I didn't eat for an entire day but I concentrated it after 7pm. The next room's Vietnamese is noisy as usual. I can't believe why he has been talking on the phone even he cooking. I assume that he can't stand alone. What a poor person. I took a shower and fell asleep at 10pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.