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Work Even on Weekends

I woke up around 8am. I conducted client work for about 5 hours. It was hard to do that but the deadline is approaching. I have a lot of tasks even though the profit has been bad these past few months. I have to rebuild my business. After 6pm, I did migration for a client and worked on my main website. There were unexpected errors. I worked on the bed for the whole day. Recently it’s been hard for me to sit at my desk. I had leftover chicken leg, fried rice, etc., for dinner. I watched animation Paradise PD again. I fell asleep around midnight. I don’t want a new week to come.

The original text before the correction

Work Even Weekends I woke up around 8am. I conducted client work for about 5 hours. It was hard to do that but the deadline is approaching. I have a lot of tasks even though the profit is bad for recent few months. I have to rebuild my business. After 6pm, I did migration for a client and my main website. There was unexpected errors. I worked on the bed for the whole day. It is hard to sit the desk for me recently. I had leftover chicken leg, fried rice, etc for dinner. I watched animation Paradise PD again. I fell asleep around midnight. I don't want to coming a new week.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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