A messy room, there are flower pot, ipad, wines on the table

Watching Movie

I got an investigation from the accountant whose comment was not terrible so I was relieved. I worked a lot. It was a wet and windy day so I didn’t want to go out. Actually, I was going to go to the bar My Way because I said “See you tomorrow” to Ruud yesterday at Johnny but I didn’t go there because I was not in the mood. I had grilled chicken, sliced cucumber, bread etc., for dinner. I watched The Karate Kid, which is a re-made movie of an old movie The Best Kid. I watched the original one when I was an elementary school student at my best friend’s house. I vividly remember the situation. I dropped asleep around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

Watching Movie I got an investigation from an accountant who's comment was not terrible so I relieved. I worked a lot. It was a rainy and windy day so I didn't want to go out. Actually, I was going to go to the bar My Way because I said "See you tomorrow" to Ruud yesterday at Johnny but I didn't go to there from my mood. I had grilled chicken, sliced cucumber, and bread etc., for dinner. I watched The Karate Kid which re-maked movie of an old movie The Best Kid. I watched the original one when I was an elementary school student at my best friend's house. I clearly remember the situation. I dropped asleep around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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