Tiring Everything

I had a Zoom meeting at 12pm. It was quite hard because our progress is not good so I had to negotiate to extend the development period. After that, I went to a store. I painted a picture for a while then cooked ramen. I read a book about cryptocurrency. I was able to understand how Bitcoin will be going. In the evening, I didn’t go to any bars. I cooked boiled veggies, a pork hamburger, etc., for dinner. I bought a cold wallet device Trezor for cryptocurrency. It was 69USD. I really want to be FIRE ASAP. I fell asleep around 9pm but I awoke up after 1am with a stomachache.

The original text before the correction

Tiring Everything I had a Zoom meeting at 12pm. It was quite hard because our progress is not good so I had to negotiate to postpone the development period. After that, I went to the store. I painted a picture for a while then cooked ramen. I read a book about cryptocurrency. I was able to understand how Bitcoin will be going. In the evening, I didn't go any bars. I cooked boiled veggies and pork hamburger etc., for dinner. I bought a cold wallet device Trezor for cryptocurrency. It was 69USD. I really want to be FIRE ASAP. I fell asleep around 9pm but I awoke up after 1am with a stomach ache.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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