Queue of checkout at ALDI in the Netherlands

This Was a Holiday

I woke up around 9am. I could sleep well but I had strange dreams. I’ve changed my company business regulation so I don’t work on weekends. I went to get a sketch book but a book store was closed. I visited a drugstore and a supermarket. I got an unfamiliar alcohol drink Advokaat. It was orange color and thick, almost like yogurt. I cooked spinach with sausages, rice with quinoa, and sandwiches for dinner. I watched M-1 Grand Prix via Youtube. It was not so funny but it reminded me of how hard pursuing the dream was for many years. I used to be active as an art unit with my friend. He no longer does art anymore. I fell asleep around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

This Was A Holiday I woke up around 9am. I could sleep well but I had strange dreams. I've changed my company business regulation so weekend is not working. I went to get a sketch book but a book store was closed. I visited a drugstore and a supermarket. I got an unfamiliar alcohol drink Advokaat. It was orange color and thick, almost yogurt. I cooked spinach with sausages, rice with quinoa, and sandwiches for dinner. I watched M-1 Grand Prix via Youtube. It was not so funny but it reminded me of how hard chasing the dream for many years. I used to be active as an art unit with my friend. He doesn't do art anymore. I fell asleep around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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