Third Case of Private View
I started my day just after 9am. A heavy stomach made me skip both breakfast and lunch I got a message via Facebook from a renter who wanted to show her room. I worked till 2pm then I visited there. It was chilly and rainy weather but it is normal in European winter. I got on a wrong bus again but I was able to arrived the destination at 4:30pm. The renter is an old Cameroonian. The rent cost was 1000EUR even though it is a shared house. She explained to me there are Italian flat mates. I decided to contract with the room. I stopped by a store and went back to the hotel around 8pm. I had salad, ham, cheese and tortilla chip with champaingn. I fell asleep at midnight.
The original text before the correction
- Third Case of Private View I started my day just after 9am. I skipped both breakfast and lunch because I had a heavy stomach. I got an message via Facebook from a renter who want to show her room. I worked till 2pm then I visited there. It was chilly and rainy weather but as an European winter is normal. I mistook a bus again but I was able to arrived the destination at 4:30pm. The renter is an old Cameroonian. The rent cost was 1000EUR even shared house. She explained me there are Italian flat mates. I decided to contract with the room. I stopped by a store and back to the hotel around 8pm. I had salad, ham, cheese and tortilla chip with champaingn. I fell asleep at midnight.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.