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Thinking Strength

When I was commuting to the office I had been thinking about strength for my business. I thought it would be transparency. Therefore, I published working daily reports for the public. Normally, such a document doesn’t show to the public so it would be one of the good appeals to my distant customers. I was making the website at once. You know, “Strike while the iron is hot.” I don’t care if it fails or succeeds. Only God knows everything. I had a Fukanoya’s poke bowl and vegetable tempura. I spent $14 with a $5 discount. I fell asleep around 10 p.m.

The original text before the correction

Thinking Strength When I was commuting to the office I had been thinking about strength for my business. I thought it would be tranparenscy. Therefore, I published woking daily reports for piblic. Normaly, such a document don't show to the public so it would be one of the good appeals my distans for customers. I was making the website at once. You know, "Strike while the iron is hot." I don't care it's fail or success. Only God knows everything. I had a Fukanoya's poke-bowl and vegetable-tempura. I spent $14 with a $5 discount. I fell asleep around 10 p.m.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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