The Simplest Funeral

I visited Santmark nursing home at 11:30am. It was hard to find room 115. There were Janin and Jan’s relatives. There was the coffin of Janin’s mother. She seemed to have a calm face. When it was carried out, her husband Dirk (92) said “bye” and kissed her forehead. It was repeated twice. It made me draw tears. Janin read a message to her mother at the entrance of the nursing home. No ceremony, that’s all! We moved to a cafe at Fase Fier. I talked to Jan’s brother. He told me a funny story about their mother’s funeral. They threw away their mother’s ashes in a canal in Amsterdam without permission! They are crazy but interesting. I also talked very much with Janin’s son, Laurens. All of the attendees were gone around 4pm but we two stayed there till almost 7pm. I knew a shocking true story about Janin’s daughter Julli. I really savored the fact that every family has a dark side. I was confused by his words because he said his mother as a “devil”. Anyway, he was really a good man and we spent a fun and useful time. After I came back home, I had ramen noodles and rice for dinner. I retired for the day before 9 pm, because I had to wake up earlier than usual for an art event next morning.

The original text before the correction

A Simplest Funeral I visited Santmark nursing home at 11:30am. It was hard to find the room 115. There were Janin and Jan relatives. There was a coffin of Janin's mother. She looked calm face. When carried out it, her husband Dirk(92) said "bye" and kissed her forehead. It was repeated twice. It made to draw tears. Janin read a message her mother at the entrance of the nursing home. No ceremony, that's all! We moved to a cafe Fase Fier. I talked Jan's brother. He told me a funny story about their mother's funeral. They threw away mother's ashes to a canal in Amsterdam without permission! They are crazy but interesting. I also talked very much with Janin's son, Laurens. All of the attendees were gone around 4pm but we 2 left there till almost 7pm. I knew a shocking true story about Janin's daughter Julli. I really savored every family has dark side. I confused his expression because he said his mother is "devil". Anyway, he was really good man and spent a fun and useful time. After came back home, I had ramen noodles and rice for dinner. I retired for the day before 9am. I have to wake up earlier than usual for an art event next morning.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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