The Same T-shirt
I got a new cold wallet called Keep Key. I received a message from an employee. Moving a domain is quite a sensitive task, so I had to investigate it thoroughly. It has been a while, over three months or so, since I last did real work. In the evening, I visited the bar My Way despite the rainy weather. Ruud said to me, “T-shirt!” Astonishingly, we were wearing the same original Johnny’s Cafe T-shirt. We toasted with beer. I received a cigarette from another customer, then I smoked. It was a fun time. I cooked plenty of spaghetti and ate bread for dinner. I fell asleep around 10 pm.
The original text before the correction
- The Same T-shirt I got new cold wallet called Keep Key. I got a message from an employee. Moving domain is quite sensitive job so I had to investigate precisely about it. It has been a while, over three months or so, since I did real work. In the evening, I visited the bar My Way even though a rainy weather. Ruud said me "T-shirt!". Astonishingly, we wore the same original Johnny's Cafe T-shirt. We made toast a beer. I got a cigarretn from other customer then I smoked. It was fun time. I cooked plenty of spaghetti and ate bread for dinner. I fell asleep around 10 pm.
Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.