hang laundry and dinner

The Last Night

It was the last day to live with Eri. Actually, two months were too long to live with another person. I didn’t go out anywhere. I have been sluggish so I didn’t want to do anything but daily routines. Finally, the return procedure of MacBook Air has been completed. When I lived in the US, the package which contained my paintings was lost so I was anxious such an accident occurred again. I can’t believe the reliability of delivery system abroad. I had leftover rolled pork hamburger, stamppot, etc., for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm but I was not able to sleep for hours.

The original text before the correction

The Last Night It was the last night to live with Eri. Actually, two months was too long to live with other person. I didn't go out anywhere. I have been sluggish so I didn't want to do anything but daily routines. Finally, the return procedure of MacBook Air has been completed. When I lived in the US, the package which was in my paintings has been lost so I was anxious such an accident occured again. I can't believe the reliability of delivery system abroad. I had leftover rolled pork humburger, stamppot etc., for dinner. I went to bed around 8pm but I was not able to sleep for over hours.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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