The Last Day
It was my last day in the Netherlands. I packed my things and cleaned up my room. For the past couple of days, my gum, which cracked a tooth several weeks ago, has been swollen. I have no pain, but I am truly concerned about when it will start hurting again, enough to kill me. Please, God, let my tooth be settled for two more weeks! In the evening, I went to the bar My Way, but it was closed for some reason. I visited a steakhouse instead. I had three kinds of beer and French fries. I had packed chicken curry with alfalfa for dinner. I fell asleep before 9 pm.
The original text before the correction
- The Last Day It was the last day leaving the Netherlands. I did packing and clean up my room. Past couple of the days, my dental gum which is cracked the tooth several weeks ago has gotten swollen. I have no pain but I truely concerned about it when will be restart painful enough to kill me. Plese God, my tooth will be settled for more two weeks! In the evening, I went the bar My Way but it was closed for some reason. I visited a steak house instead. I had three kind of beer and French fries. I had packed chicken curry with alfalfa for dinner. I fell asleep before 9 am.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.