The Days Fly

My favorite iPad got cracked for some reason. I didn’t do anything. I think that my negativity possibly affects my physical materials. It is not superstitious thinking, but its real. I haven’t gotten a job yet but I have no choice. I had to do somethings but I didn’t have enough time because I had to go out just after 4 pm. The sun sets really early these days. I visited Stiefel Bar. The bar makes me happy every time. I want to continue living here longer. I have been waiting for the result of my visa renewal. I had deep fried white fish and left over curry sauce with brown rice for dinner. I fell asleep around 10 or 11pm.

The original text before the correction

The Days Fly My favorite iPad got crack for some reason. I didn't do anything. I think that my bad feeling would effect to the physical materials. I don't get any jobs yet but I have no choice. It is not superstitious idea, its real. I had to do some things but I didn't have enough time because I had to go out just after 4pm. Sun set time really early these day. I visited the bar Stiefel. The bar made me happy every time. I want to continue to live here longer. I have been waiting for the result for renewing visa. I had deep fried white fish and left over curry sauce with brown rice for dinner. I fell asleep around 10 or 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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