Terrible Incident

There was an operation even on Saturday. We prepared the operation manual, and it should be easy work, but the incident happened. This incident would invite the end of the relationship with the client. I have no choice. Why should I get stressed despite a cheap job? I don’t care about everything. I want to curse all of the jobs and I want to quit the job from the bottom of my heart. In the evening, I went to the bar Johnny. There was a man who I didn’t like. I thought what a horrible day was today. I had two glasses of beer. I had beef steak, leftover Thai food, and ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Terrible Incident There was an operation even on Saturday. We prepared operation manual and it should be easy work but the incident happened. This incident would invite the end of the relation ship with the client. I have to choice. Why should I get stress even though a cheap job? I don't care everything. I want to curse all of the jobs and I want to quit job from the bottom of my heart. In the evening, I went to the bar Johnny. There was a man who I don't like. I thought what a horrible day today. I had two glasses of beer. I had beef steak, leftover Thai food, and ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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