Tell Him I’m Leaving

I prepared a letter to the landlords and then I went downstairs to talk. However, they were absent. I repeated the action several times. I gave up talking on the very day and I went out, they came back. What a terrible timing. We, Jan, Janin and I, sat down at the table in the living room. I passed rent and the letter in Dutch. The landlord Jan read aloud. I expressed why I decided to go back to Japan. It is mainly my financial situation. He gave me some questions. When I tried to make an explanation I got tears. They seemed to understand my feeling. Jan hugged me and gave me a sweet word. After that, I went to the bar My Way. When I was going to leave, a man spoke to me. “Do you remember we talked last summer?” His name was Stephan but I didn’t remember him. Despite that, our conversation was lively. His English was more fantastic than general Dutch people so I could understand his words easily. We talked, drunk, and smoked. After I came back home, I cooked ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11pm.

The original text before the correction

Tell Him I'm Leaving I prepared a letter to the landlords and then I went to downstairs to talk. However, they were absent. I repeated the action for several times. I gave up to talk on the very day and I went out, they came back. What a terrible timing. We, Jan, Janin and I, sat down on the table in the living room. I passed a rent and the letter in Dutch. The landlord Jan read with voice. I expressed why I decided to go back to Japan. It is mainly financial situation. He gave me some questions. When I tried to make an explanation I got tears. They seems understood my feeling. Jan hugged me and gave me a sweet word. After that, I went to the bar My Way. When I was going to leave, a man spoke to me. "Do you remember we talked last summer". His name is Stephan but I didn't remember him. Despite of that, our conversation was lively. His English was fantastic than general Dutch people so I could understand his words easily. We talked, drunk, and smoked. After I came back home, I cooked ramen noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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