Talking About Dutch Politics
It was a public holiday in Japan. I cleaned up my room for the first time in a month or so. I went to the bar Stiefel. I asked Rouis about the results of the Dutch general election. He is a blue-collar worker. He always has paint on his hands. However, he explained why an extreme right-wing party has elected. I was astonished at his clear opinion. When I returned home, I got a message from Janin inviting me to go to a museum on Saturday. I replied, “I was thinking that we could discuss the results of the general election.” We will discuss it on that day. I had curry sauce with white rice and yakisoba noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11pm.
The original text before the correction
- Talking About Dutch Politics It was a public holiday in Japan. I cleaned up my room for the first time in a month or so. I went to the bar Stiefel. I asked about the result of Dutch general election to Rouis. He is a blue-collar worker. He every time has paint to his hands. However, he explained why extreme right wing party has selected. I astonished his clear opinion. When I came back home, I got a message from Janin that inviting to go to museum on Saturday. I sent a message "I was wondering that we have a discussion about the result of the general election." We will discuss it on that day. I had curry sauce with white rice and yakisoba noodles for dinner. I fell asleep around 11pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.