hang the laundry in the room


I did the laundry. In the meantime, I painted for over an hour. I read books and took a nap. I’ve been trying to take a nap recently, because taking a nap is good for our health due to the book that I am reading about sleeping. In the evening, I went out to a bar but I changed my mind. I got a 6-pack of beer and bread at a supermarket and then I sat on a bench at the park. I drank a can of beer there. There were no people. It was a fulfilling time. I had leftover fried rice, tomato taste pasta(fusilli), and bread for dinner. Around 10pm, my stomach was sore, and I shut myself in the restroom. I fell asleep around midnight.

The original text before the correction

Stomach Ache I did the laundry. Meantime, I painted for over an hour. I read books and took a nap. I tried to take a nap recently because taking a nap is good for our health due to the book that I am reading about sleeping. In the evening, I went out to a bar but my mind had changed. I got packed 6 canned beer and bread at a supermarket and then I sat a bench in the park. I drunk a canned beer there. There are no people. It was fulfilled time. I had leftover fried rice, tomato taste pasta(fusilli), and bread for dinner. Around 10pm, my stomach was sore, and I shut myself in the restroom. I fell asleep around midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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