beer server, snacks and cup of beer on the bar counter

Starting My Own Business

I woke up around 6am. I went out to KVK(the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands) which is located in Amsterdam at 11am. I had an appointment with KVK at 1pm but I arrived there 30 minutes earlier. The procedure was smooth and quick. I’ve become a self-employed in the Netherlands officially. I went to open a bank account but I mixed up just an ATM and a bank branch. It was chilly, and furthermore, snowy. I was wandering for about 40 minutes. At ING bank, I got a trouble because the bank officer demanded me Japan’s SSN. You know, the SSN(My Number) of Japanese who moved abroad will be invalid automatically. In the first place, many Japanese don’t have such a number yet. They say, no country is having SSN in the world. I agreed with them but Japan is not following the world standard. I recognized how Japan’s government is stupid. I had to try to explain about the ridiculous situation. Finally, I persuaded them but I don’t know the procedure was done completely. After that, I visited a bar. I had three kinds of beer, croquets and fries. After coming back home, I cooked ramen soup. I fell asleep just before 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Starting My Own Business I woke up around 6am. I went out to KVK(the Chamber of Commerce in the Netherlands) which located in Amsterdam at 11am. I had an appointment with KVK at 1pm but I arrived there earlier for 30min. The procedure was smooth and quick. I've became a self-employed in the Netherlands officially. I went to open a bank account but I wronged between just an ATM and a bank branch. It was chilly furthermore, snowy. I was wandering around 40min. At ING bank, I got a trouble because the bank officer demanded me Japan's SSN. You know, the Japanese who moved abroad, his/her SSN(My Number) will be invalid automatically. In the first place, many Japanese doesn't have such number yet. They say, no country are having SSN in the world. I agreed with them but Japan is not follow world standard. I recognized how Japan's government is stupid. I had to try to explain about the ridiculous situation. Finally, I persuaded them but I don't know the procedure was done completely. After that, I visited a bar. I had three kind of beer and croquets and fries. After came back home, I cooked ramen soup. I fell asleep just before 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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